Let's know about the most poisonous animal living in the world.
Inland Taipan Scientific Name :- Oxyuranus microlepidotus Habitat :- Central and East…
Inland Taipan Scientific Name :- Oxyuranus microlepidotus Habitat :- Central and Eastern Australia west South west of Queensland, West of New South…
Read moreGolden Poison Frog Other Names :- Golden Dart Frog, Golden Poison Arrow Frog Scientific Name :- Phyllobates terribilis Colombia is an animal spec…
Read moreOrnate Flying Snake [Pol Mal Karawala] (Malsara) Scientific Name :- Chrysopelea Ornata Sinhaleya Average length :- Between 30 and 50 inches Body c…
Read moreSaber Toothed Cat Scientific name:- Smiladon Populator Extinction:- 11,000 years ago Living and extinction This species has lived around the world …
Read moreHanging Gardens Of Babylon This is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. It can be called a monument where the location of the seven wond…
Read moreSahara Desert Area:- 9,200,000 square kilometers Main Range:- Atlas Range in Algeria Lowlands in the Sahara Desert:- The Katara lowlands of Egypt,…
Read moreBrown Vine Snaker Scientific name:- Ahaetulla Pulverulenta Toxic category:- Minor poisons Length: - 40 to 60 inches. Living areas Inhabits arid reg…
Read moreInland Taipan Scientific Name :- Oxyuranus microlepidotus Habitat :- Central and East…
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