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From the features of the body let us know about "Brown Vine Snaker" which is a snake similar to Ahaetulla.

Brown Vine Snaker

  • Scientific name:- Ahaetulla Pulverulenta
  • Toxic category:- Minor poisons
  • Length:- 40 to 60 inches.

Living areas

  • Inhabits arid regions of Sri Lanka and areas up to 1200 m above sea level.

Body shape

  • Physiological features are similar to Ahaetulla.
  • It has a brown body and a reddish brown abdomen.
  • A black and brown striped pattern extends across the body.
  • The tip of the nose is clearly visible.

Special features

  • The elongated tail allows it to hang on the branches of trees.
  • They have a large range of vision and their eyes are very sharp.
  • Of all the snake species, only the Ahaetulla has the ability to change the size of the lens of the eye and focus on objects.
  • Arboreal becomes a snake.
  • They live on plants and shrubs.
  • The dried leaves are nozzle-bearing and can remain in the same position for long periods of time, making them difficult to observe.


  • Reproduction by oviducts produces 6 to 24 pups.

Toxic level

  • There is a primary venom system that can paralyze a small animal.
  • Their bites do not cause much harm to humans and cause swelling and slight pain around the wound.

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