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Let's know about a species of deadly poisonous frog living in the world.

Golden Poison Frog 

  • Other Names :- Golden Dart Frog, Golden Poison Arrow Frog 
  • Scientific Name :- Phyllobates terribilis 
  • Colombia is an animal species native to rainforests. 
  • Length :- Usually about 5.5 cm. 
  • Females are larger than males.

Toxicity Information 

  • One frog contains about 1900 micrograms of venom. 
  • A single touch can kill 10 to 20 people. 
  • Capable of killing 20,000 rats or more.


  • During the day it eats insects that live on the rainforest floor. (Flies, Spiders, Mites, Ants, Beetles, Caterpillars and Worms) 

  • Their transmission is through eggs. 
  • This animal species is endangered. 
  • They are spread in a small area and due to the destruction of their habitats, this animal species is threatened with extinction.

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