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Let's find out about the tallest volcano on the continent of Europe.

 Etna volcano

  1. Location: - On the east coast of the island of Sicily in Italy
  2. Height: - 3329 m
  3. Declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2013
  4. Last eruption: 16 February 2021 (present)
  5. Elevation after the last eruption: - 3,326 m (10,912 ft)
  • Covers 1190 square kilometers.
  • It is the tallest active volcano on the European continent.
  • It is one of the three largest active volcanoes in Italy.

Video of the November 2013 eruption of the Etna volcano

Through the eyes of an artist on the 1766 eruption

2021 eruption

About 450 meters (1,480 ft) below the Etna summit is the lateral crater of the 2002-2003 eruption near the Torre del Philosopho.

Etna's 2002 eruption was photographed by the ISS.

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