Mihimatha Thorathuru Image Galley
Let's know about the most poisonous animal living in the world.
Let's know about a species of deadly poisonous frog living in the world.
Let's know about "Malsara", one of the most colorful snakes in Sri Lanka.
Let's learn about a very special creature that inhabited the earth millions of years ago.
Learn about the "Hanging Garden of Babylon", one of the Seven Wonders of the World.
Let's learn about the "Sahara Desert", the third largest desert in the world.
From the features of the body let us know about "Brown Vine Snaker" which is a snake similar to Ahaetulla.
Let's learn about a species of turtle known as the "Alligator Snapping" that resembles the shape of a crocodile unknown to many.
The bird became extinct in 1934 A species called "Moho Noblees" Let's learn about the bird species.
Let us know about "Earth" which is the amazing creation of the universe.
Lets learn about the species of turtle called "Hawksbill Turtle" that lives in the ocean and sri lanka.
Learn about the rare species of mangroves, the “Katu Ikili”
Let's find out about the "Western Black Rhinoceros" that became extinct a few years ago.
Let's find out about the tallest volcano on the continent of Europe.
Let's find out about the world's second largest rainforest.
Learn about Ribbon Falls, the tallest waterfall in America.
Let's learn about the sea turtle, the "Green Turtle" that lives in the ocean around us.
Let's find out about the "Trinket Snake" .
Let's find out about turtles.
Let's find out about the white-faced owl.
Let's learn about "deserts" and "the geographical background of deserts".
Learn about the most important mangrove species in Sri Lanka.
Let us know about the "Operation Pooneryn" which was a terrible operation in Sri Lanka.
Let's learn about the Woolly Rhinoceros that became extinct many years ago.
Learn about the Volcano Eruption Index and the Decade Volcano Project.