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Let's find out about the world's second largest rainforest.

Congo rainforest

  1. Location: - African continent
  2. Distributed countries: - Cameroon, Central African Republic, Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea and Gabon
  3. Size: - 17 80 000 sq km [27 times larger than Sri Lanka.]
  4. Number of species: - More than 10 000 species live. by the time,
  • 400 species of mammals
  • 1000 species of birds
  • 700 species of fish
  • Number of plant species: - More than 600
  • A large number of animals living here are now threatened with extinction.
  • The main reason for the extinction of these animals is the hunting of these animals for food by the tribal communities living in this forest.
  • The world-famous Congo River flows through the Congo jungle.
  • The forest is home to nearly 150 different ethnic groups.
  • According to reports, these groups have been living here for more than 50,000 years.

Photos of some of the animals that live in this forest

African forest elephant

Western lowland gorilla

Mountain gorilla

African forest buffalo

Cross River gorilla


Allen's swamp monkey


African civet

Yellow-backed duiker

Moustached guenon

Blue monkey

A video showing people hunting animals in the jungles of the Congo

An old video about people living in the jungles of the Congo

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