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Let's learn about a species of turtle known as the "Alligator Snapping" that resembles the shape of a crocodile unknown to many.

 Alligator Snapping Turtle

  1. Scientific name :- Macrochelys temminckii

  2. Lifespan :- 70 years

  3. Weight :- 155 to 175 lbs

  4. They are The Largest Freshwater Turtles in North America.

  5. Habitats :- Rivers, lakes, wetlands, canals


  • A special worm-shaped tongue pulls fish into their mouths.
  • In addition to fish, these turtles also eat other small turtles, frogs, snakes, snails, worms, prawns, lobsters, and aquatic plants.


  • These species are declining due to the destruction of turtle habitats and over-hunting for meat.
  • They are not an endangered species, but in some areas the killing of these animals is banned.

Length and Weight 

  • Male turtles can grow up to 29 inches (73.7 cm) and 249 pounds (112.9 kg) and females up to 22 inches (55.9 cm) and 62 pounds (28.1 kg).

Size and Weight 

  • Males weigh more than 220 pounds and stand 26 inches long. It weighs about 175 kg.
  • Very small females can grow up to 50 pounds.

Living Areas and Behaviour 

  • Alligator turtles are found only in the United States. (From North Florida to East Texas and North Iowa)
  • They are mostly aquatic organisms, tend to stay submerged in water for a long time and algae begin to grow on their shells.

Main Features

  • The main features of the turtle are its large head, strong jaws and parrot-like beak. It is dark brown.
  • Alligator snapping turtles have a narrow tongue with a worm-like appendage to attract prey.

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