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Learn about the rare species of mangroves, the “Katu Ikili”

 Katu Ikili

In Sri Lanka, the Katu Ikili mangrove species are classified into two subspecies, Acanthus Ilicifolius and Acanthus Volubilis.

Both species belong to the genus Acanthaceae.

Acanthus Ilicifolius

  1. Nature: - Grows naturally on thorny bushes.
  2. Located in: - In all mangrove areas of Sri Lanka
  3. Height of the plant: - Grows up to 2 m tall.
  4. Original type: - Aerial roots
  5. Main feature: - Location of thorny leaves.
  6. Flower length: 3 to 4 cm.
  • The Katu Ikili plant flowers throughout the year.
  • Incomplete hydration also occurs.
  • The flower is rough blue.

Acanthus Volubilis

  1. Nature: - Grows naturally in a bush.
  2. Locations: - Chilaw Lagoon is restricted to Pambala Mangrove Community.
  3. Height of the plant: - Grows up to 2 m tall.
  4. Main Characteristics: - The stem of the plant is dark purple. , Branches and trunks sparse.
  5. Flower length: - The flowers of this plant are smaller in size than the flowers of other subspecies.
  • Located in an inflorescence.
  • Often the results are not seen.
More About The Acanthus Ilicifolius and Acanthus Volubilis Mangroves, Please Watch The Video

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