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Let's find out about turtles.

 Distinctive features and behavior patterns of turtles

  •  A turtle returns to the shore where it was born to lay its eggs. That's because of the smell of the beach where they were born and their ability to be stored in their memory for a long time.
  • Egg fertilization takes about 2 months.
  • The sex of turtles depends on the ambient temperature, with males at temperatures below 29 C and females at temperatures above 29 C. 
  • It is estimated that only one in 1000 young sea turtles will reach sexual maturity. 
  • It can take 25 or 50 years for them to reach sexual maturity. (This varies by turtle species.) 
  • Their life span is between 80 and 100 years. 
  • Female turtles mate with several male turtles, store the sperm in their bodies, release them when needed and fertilize the eggs. Because of this, the eggs laid at one time may contain the young of several males.
  • Turtles have no teeth. Instead there are sharp jaws in the mouth. The main food is fish and seaweed. They eat them after grinding them in the mouth.
  •  Breathing is done by the lungs. It can be submerged in water for approximately 20 minutes, after which it returns to the surface and breathes. 
  • The leaf turtle is omnivorous at a young age and is herbivorous at its oldest age (after about 30 years). 
  • The birth of turtles takes place when the environment is cool after sunset. Newborn pups are very active because they are naturally nourished in the stomach when they are born. It gives them the energy they need to swim to the deep sea without food for about 2 days straight. This is called "infant mania".

Reasons for the extinction of turtles

  • After the mother turtles lay their eggs on the beach, animals such as dogs, pigs, and tombs, especially humans, dig into the eggs and eat them. 
  • Cubs, hawks, sea lizards and crabs feed on these young when they are born and go from sea to sea. 
  • They are also eaten by large fish such as adult turtles and sharks. 
  • Humans kill turtles to obtain turtle meat and to obtain turtle husks (especially from bark turtles) to make ornaments. 
  • Mother turtles do not come to the area to lay their eggs due to the ridges that are being constructed to protect the coast from sea erosion. 
  • Absence of turtles due to construction of buildings along the beaches.
  •  Due to the dumping of garbage into the sea (plastic and polythene material) 
  •  Turtles get caught in fishing nets and die in accidents.

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