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Let's learn about "deserts" and "the geographical background of deserts".

  The deserts of the world

  • The deserts of the world are mainly divided into 26 zones.

  • Each of those deserts covers more than 52,000 square miles [52,000 sq km].

  • There may also be several other small deserts within such a desert region.

 Management Desert

  • A desert is an area that receives very little rainfall.

  • Deserts are classified as "warm deserts" and "cool deserts".
  • There are two types of desert classes: BWH [hot desert] and BWK [temperate desert].

  • In 1953, the deserts were divided into three main types based on their desert rainfall.

  1. Very dry land areas

  •  It may not rain for at least 12 consecutive months.

  1. Arid land areas

  •  Annual rainfall is less than 250 mm or less than 10 inches.

  1. In semi-arid lands

  •  Annual rainfall ranges from 250 mm to 500 mm.

Geographical background of deserts

  • Deserts cover one third of the world's land area.

  • Temperatures vary from region to region daily and seasonally.
  • During the day, the desert temperature is around 45 degrees Celsius.

  • In addition to the sand dunes, deserts are found in plains and rocky plains, where all the sand is blown away by the wind and forms rocks with a shiny surface.

  • These areas are called "desert rock platforms" and are prone to frequent small-scale erosion.

  • A sanctuary is,

        • An isolated area with water and vegetation in a desert.
        • These sanctuaries are primarily useful for desert animals.

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