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Let us know about the "Operation Pooneryn" which was a terrible operation in Sri Lanka.

 Operation Pooneryn

  1. Date: - November 11, 1993

  2. Troops killed: More than 600 troops
  3. Trapped troops: More than 400 troops
  4. Officers intervened to rescue the trapped soldiers: -
  • The then Army Commander was Rohan Daluwatte
  • Brigadier St. Kottegoda of the Army
  • Air Commodore Jayalath Weerakkody
  • Major Chandrawansa of the Commando Regiment
  • Sarath Weerasekera, then Commanding Officer of the Curry Urban Camp
  • Lieutenant Commander Ravindra Wijegunaratne

Mr. Rohan Daluwatte

Mr. St. Kottegoda 

 Mr. Jayalath Weerakkody

Mr. Chandrawansa 

Mr. Sarath Weerasekera 

Mr. Ravindra Wijegunaratne 

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